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Church hosts arts and crafts fair

Arts craft space is free.

AN ARTS, crafts and hobbies fair, incorporating a car boot sale takes place at the Church of the Good Shepard, 615 Kingsway Athlone Park on Saturday, 26 July.

Many gifted and talented people attend the fair to exhibit and sell their creations. Some charity organisations and sister churches in the area also join in. Not only do they display and sell the items they have created, but have a morning of fellowship.

To date, some 184 people have at one time or another displayed their talents at the arts, crafts and hobbies fair.

“Some sell their wares to help augment their income and as one of the woman said to me, “it helps to put a little piece of meat on the table’,” said co-ordinator, Norma Veldtman.

Whether you collect stamps, model aeroplanes, dolls, teaspoons, thimbles maybe something really different, the fair could be for you. Some artistic people make beautiful things as they paint, sketch, carve, knit, sew, crochet, embroider, do beadwork, make jewellery, woodwork, children’s toys and more.

Some bake delicious cakes, tarts, cookies and biscuits, they also bottle preserves pickles and jams. Head to the fair and find that gift for someone special. When last did you clear out unwanted bric-a-brac collecting dust, it is an opportunity to sell these things at the car boot sale.

There will be tea and cake in the tea garden, bacon and egg rolls for breakfast, curry and rice or Hawaiian chicken for lunch.

Arts and craft space is free. Car boot space costs R30. It you need to hire a table, it will cost R50 and includes two chairs. Call Norma Veldtman on 031-916-3510 or Kim Marais on 031-904-1490 (8am until noon, Mondays and Wednesdays).

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