Post Office: Put pride back in our postmen

This scruffy-looking fellow in a grubby T-shirt, tired trousers and no cap - can he really be an official postman?

EDITOR – Now that I’m pretty ancient at 70-years old, I spend a lot of time sitting in my enclosed veranda, reading and looking out at what’s going on around me.

Invariably, I see the postman when he approaches.

Postman – am I sure?

This scruffy-looking fellow in a grubby T-shirt, tired trousers and no cap – can he really be an official postman? The only way one can tell is because he has a bicycle with a red box on the front for the letters and postal items. It’s really shocking the way the poor guy is dressed.

I know the days of a smart uniform are definitely over, but at least the Post Office could supply a couple of decent golf shirts, with the PO logo on the chest, a proper pair of trousers and maybe a baseball cap? If I could afford it, I’d buy our own postman something decent.

Come on, Post Office, do something about your postmen’s attire – they deserve a bit of pride in their appearance.


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