NPO needs donations

The Siyaphambili Community Development Organisation was formed in 2012.

A KwaMakhutha non-profit organisation is looking for donations to continue its good work in the community.

“The Siyaphambili Community Development Organisation was formed in 2012,” said chairman, Njabulo Ndlela. “We are based at Kwamakhutha and Umbogintwini.

The organisation is currently taking its road safety awareness campaign to as many schools as we can in the greater Toti area, but we need donations to continue, as up to now we have paid for the costs out of our own pockets.”

The next school the organisation will visit is Yiboni Primary School on Wednesday, 11 June at 11am.

“If any schools would like us to visit, contact me on 071-465-7176,” said Njabulo.

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