
Missing children claims are a hoax

Rumours claim children have been kidnapped from schools in townships.

NO children have been kidnapped from schools in townships on the outskirts of Amanzimtoti.

On Thursday morning, 5 June, the Sun received two call from employers of domestic workers who claimed children had been kidnapped from schools in KwaMakhutha and Kingsburgh West.

Concerned about the stories circulating about missing children, children’s rights NGO, Operation Bobbi Bear visited rural schools and police stations in KwaMakhutha, Toti and Umbumbulu.

The organisation has confirmed that it’s not happening and that no parent has laid an official complaint of a missing child, nor are schools aware of any cases of kidnapping.

The KZN police media centre also confirmed the stories are a hoax.

“It has come to the attention of the police that rumours are circulating that children have been allegedly kidnapped around Umlazi and surrounding townships. We want to confirm no such incidents have occurred and the community should stop spreading these rumours verbally or electronically. Since last week, Umlazi police have been responding to similar hoax calls on a regular basis. We want to urge those causing panic in our communities to stop, as their behaviour is placing a strain on police resources. We want to urge the community to remain calm, however the safety of your children should be a priority all-year round and we want parents to ensure that their children supervised by a responsible adult at all times,” said Capt Thulani Zwane.

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  1. It is nt a hoax, children are really missing nd we nt gonna sit down nd watch these kwere kweres take our children to go nd do their sacrifices.5 children have been taken today in my township and by the same quantum vehicles so if the police dnt do anythng about this dan we myt have to take the matter to our own hands nd send these kwerekwere packing.

  2. The children kidnapping are just a rumour to me as at our school the learners just saw some leaders from neighbour school running so they just joined up with nothing actual we saw at all

  3. My maid who is working at my residence today has stated that in her area, Adams Mission, where she lives with her husband & three teenage children, neighbours children are not only missing but she has been informed by these neighbours that they can be seen at the relevant mortuary! In her own words the statement that these are rumours is: “They (who say these are rumours) are lying”.

  4. as a parent with 3 children it is very worrying considering the old saying where there’s smoke there’s fire. Our police force is so incompetent that I really don’t believe anything they say and less of what they claim they are doing.

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