Brothers bitten while restraining burglar

Two-hour wait for police to arrive.

Two brothers sustained bite wounds from their dog while subduing a potential housebreaker.

Dean Salmon (24) was alerted to the intruder by his boerbul-cross-doberman at his Kingsley Terrace home at about 1.30pm on Wednesday, 26 March.

“I confronted him, and he started to panic when my dog arrived,” he said. When the dog started to nip him, Dean tried to get the man to calm down and relax. His brother, Grant then arrived and tackled the man and in the confusion, the dog bit him and Dean on the legs.

“I pulled the dog off and found a knife on the man when I searched him,” said Dean.

The brothers tied up the man, while neighbours alerted Chubb Security and the CCPO.

When Toti SAP were contacted about the incident, they initially said they had no vehicles to respond and the CCPO must bring the man to the police station.

They later said they would attend the scene, but two hours after the incident occurred, the brothers were still waiting to give their statements.

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