Quintuplets born in Isipingo

The birth of quintuplets at Isipingo Medical Towers made history on Thursday, 16 January with the birth of quintuplets has been a bitter-sweet affair after four of the five babies have since died.

Thembelihle Zondi of KwaXimba gave birth to the fourth recorded quintuplet birth in South Africa. The babies were delivered by Caesarean section after 26 weeks, weighing between 520 and 550 grams each.

“The atmosphere was amazing on Thursday when news came about the delivery. The entire hospital was just ecstatic about this,” said Isigingo Medical Towers spokesman, Nomfundo Nhlumayo.

After complications, two babies, a boy and a girl, died on Friday. On Sunday another two baby girls died on Sunday. This leaves a baby girl remaining who is being closely watched by doctors.

“Thembelihle seems to be coping as best she can, the tremendous amount of support from friends, family and staff as a whole has been quite helpful,” said Nhlumayo.

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