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Campaign is for all minority groups

Wake up sir, get off your high horse and rather help us to create awareness of what’s going down in this country and stop treating yourself and others like mushrooms

EDITOR – I would like to draw Mr Ackermann’s attention to the fact that he made misinformed assumptions regarding our gathering here in KZN at Warner Beach.
Our gathering is for all minority groups and fellow South Africans who feel the same way we do.
We have never said in the press release that is applicable to our community here in KZN, that we stand for whites only. If he had done himself and me the favour of contacting me, I would have supplied him with the same info and documentation I have given to the local authorities as well as the press.
But he chose to go into the website of the UNITE RED 2013 Red October Press Release that is a guideline for each convener to use for their specific press releases applicable to their own town/regions.
As a matter of fact, Mr Ackermann, you must be blind, deaf and totally illiterate not to take notice of what is going on in our country. Are you telling me you deny that there is no oppression and violence against minority groups, there is no corrupt governance in our country, the BBBEE and affirmative action policy is non-existent in SA, that our infrastructure is not in a sorry state, our hospitals, schools, local authority offices and premises are not an eyesore and there is not a prostitution problem in Kingsway. What about the beaches and lagoons, Mr Ackermann?
How is it possible that most of what I have mentioned here has been on the front page of our local newspapers, but you choose to see it as a political agenda behind a far-fetched campaign? Wake up sir, get off your high horse and rather help us to create awareness of what’s going down in this country and stop treating yourself and others like mushrooms.
We are not distorting any crime stats, in fact I think our statistics are the only ones that are being kept up to date with the true facts, and cause of death for instance is genuine.
We have never claimed that the white population of SA are the only victims of crime – what we did say and we can prove it, is that most of the crimes committed against the white people in SA are being committed by black people. Or can you give me an example of one case where white people orchestrated a farm attack and ruthlessly killed and slaughtered the occupants of that farm?
Now allow me the risk of asking you Mr Ackermann, if you have bothered to investigate the true reason or gist as you so eloquently put it, behind our gathering on 10 October?
And now I will take the opportunity to answer on your behalf – no, you have not. Because if you had, you would have noticed that our purpose and main concern for our gathering here at Warner Beach is to raise awareness of the violence and inhumane slaughter and raping of our mothers, sisters, daughters, girlfriends and children, the ignorance of so-called officials at police stations, corruption in high levels of government, prostitution in our neighbourhoods, our filthy and unsafe beaches, the disrespect and abuse of our elderly, the lack of competent people in positions that they do not deserve, the influx of illegal immigrants and many, many more reasons.
If you have bothered to investigate sir, you would have been able to get our press release from a number of  people.
So, before you make assumptions and pass judgements on something or someone, make sure of your facts or you might just end up in hot water.
Irrespective of race or creed, we have invited all minority groups, if they feel they have a reason to rise up and voice their concern, they are most welcome to join us.
This is an action where we can voice our concerns to try and create awareness to what is happening in and to SA. So, if you can arrange your time, and you can spare R6,50 for a helium-filled balloon, and you can join us for an hour on Warner Beach at noon on 10 October, then please, I want to see you there, Mr Ackermann.

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