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Vigilance keeps Toti crime at bay

Last month saw a definite decline in crime in Toti with the Community Crime Prevention Organisation (CCPO), in conjunction with other reaction companies, Toti SAP and Metro Police dog unit keeping pressure on criminals.

That’s the word from the organisation’s operations manager, Leon Joone. “A housebreaker was arrested by the CCPO and Blue Security and another reaction company that has a CCPO radio in their vehicle on Moss Kolnik recently,” said Leon.

“He was found in possession of two television remotes, a video camera and a bag of new nappies packed into a sheet. After interviewing him, the bush in the vicinity was searched and a stolen plasma television recovered.”

All property stolen during a house breaking in Umdoni Road on Monday, 30 September was recovered by the CCPO.

“Last week a Blue Security reaction officer received information of a burglary in Ridge Road and decided to keep an eye open in case the suspect made his way to the CBD.

It wasn’t long before a man matching the description was spotted by the alert officer. He was arrested and it was found that he had been released from prison for house breaking only three weeks prior.

The man was wanted for a number of house breaking incidents in the Toti area. Toti detectives recovered a number of laptops stolen in the Ridge Road house breaking.”

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