
What’s On

Send your non-profit events to southcoastsun@dbn.caxton.co.za

SATURDAY, 27 MAY: Sanctuary of the Great White Light, 9 Barrow Street, Umkomaas hosts a clairvoyant day from 9am to 3pm with tarot cards, tea cup, colour and clairvoyant readings, as well as reiki. To book, call Gayle on 083-654-5261.

SATURDAY, 27 MAY: KZN Quilters Guild holds a quilt show in Kloof at St Agnes Church. Look forward to the quilt show with vendors’ tables, quilting demonstrations and teas on sale. Entrance for visitors costs R50. Call Lyn on 083-463-7729.

SATURDAY, 27 MAY: Kingsway High School hosts a rather curious tea party at Bazely Hall, Kingsway High School. Starts at 9am until 11am. Dress to the theme ‘we’re all mad here, you’ll fit right in’. There will be prizes for the maddest hatter. Tickets cost R70 which includes light refreshments. Tickets are available from the finance office or online at www.quicket.com. Market stalls will be set up on the day for your enjoyment. Free breast examinations will be available and inspiring guest speakers. All proceeds will go to the Pink Drive.

FRIDAY, 2 JUNE: Probus Amanzimtoti social club meets in the safe, beautiful, and tranquil surroundings of the Umbogavango Nature Reserve at 9.30am for 10am. There will be an interesting speaker for members’ enjoyment. For the bring-and-braai after the meeting, members and visitors should take their own cups, meat, salads and preferred refreshments. Visitors are asked to call Sharon-Ann during office hours on 083-312-5360 to confirm their attendance, as access through the security gate is limited to the names listed on the security list.

TUESDAY, 6 JUNE: Join the Israel study group at Amanda’s Restaurant in Doonside as they learn and discover more about Israel’s history, biblical truths relevant to today and Hebrew words and names. The meeting starts at 10.30am. Interested persons should call Marie on 079-386-4185 or on 031-916-1815 or Daphne on 084-679-8097.

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