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Car guard welcomes tourist season

December and Easter are our busiest times.

Beach Road car guard Justice Mkhize (34) welcomes the start of the festive season and the influx of holidaymakers to Amanzimtoti in the hope of boosting his income.

Justice has been a car guard at Toti main beach parking lot for over 10 years. He reports for duty every day, even though he said it is not busy enough for them to make a living out of season.

“In the holidays it is better and December and Easter are our busiest times,” he said.

On a good day he can make R150 and decided to become a car guard as he had no job and didn’t want to resort to crime to feed his family.

“The holidaymakers are friendly towards us. We want to wash cars to make more money but the police don’t want us to. Some of them are friendly but there are some who chase us away.”

Justice said him and his fellow car guards would like to get trained but they have never been approached.

“We are the same group of guys who work here. If any outsiders come, we chase them away.

We will work every day in December, even Christmas and New Year’s Day.

Whether it is raining or not, we will be here to look after your cars.”

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