
Warner Beach upgrade could result in trendy café precinct

Why can this road not be upgraded and have little coffee shops and the like on the pavements like in Ballito, Salt Rock and Umhlanga?

EDITOR – Reading through the list of areas being uplifted, I am adding to the ones I have seen around Warner Beach which also need to be attended to.

Warner Beach is an attraction for visitors and tourists during the year as well as all the school holidays.

As one walks or drives through Warner Beach, more and more buildings are seen to be in disarray.

  1. There is a vacant piece of ground next to the DVD shop which barely ever gets cleaned – maybe once in two years, if that. Surely the landowner should be clearing this and making it look respectable? The weeds are now growing onto the pavement. The little wall, if you can call it that, is broken and in pieces in some parts. Can he not be fined for not clearing this piece of land as it is in the main street, or is this just another shrug of the shoulder and nothing can be done?
  2. The old glass shop which was vacated more than two years ago has never been cleaned out and rubbish is lying in the front window.
  3. One of the buildings (flats) where furniture and mattresses are being sold along the main road needs a clean and a good paint.
  4. A few of the pubs need their buildings painted as well. Most of these places just need a good paint which I am sure will make a difference to the area.
  5. The brick paving laid down over two or three years ago along Warner Beach starting from the subway to near the Bela Vista, is now full of holes with bricks missing and some areas are overgrown with weeds. Can these areas not be sprayed for weeds? This made a huge difference to the area at the time, but not now. The trees that were taken out in the parking lots have left big holes. As one steps out of the new take-away, there are quite a few paving bricks missing. This is dangerous to the public as someone could be hurt badly.
  6. Walking past early on a weekend morning, the shops leave all their rubbish in bins on the pavement and they quickly end up lying on the pavements and it’s not from the vagrants. The bins are overflowing and excess paper, cardboard and so on just gets thrown on the floor. Are there no areas behind these shops to keep the rubbish for collection day? It’s quite off-putting and unsightly going to a restaurant and the rubbish is right there.

Why can this road not be upgraded and have little coffee shops and the like on the pavements like in Ballito, Salt Rock and Umhlanga? This is prime area for sundowners, coffee, light lunches and so on. It’s close to the beaches, shops, shopping centres and surely if it’s uplifted, this will make a difference.

Surely this is seen daily by Mr Beetge as the DA offices (not sure if this is the main office, but there is a sign that says it is) is right next door to all these shops, which also needs a good clean.


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