
Anglers should reel in their jealousy

I bet these two great fishermen not only ate every morsel of this delicious fish but shared their spoils with some 'non-jealous' friends and family.

EDITOR – In response to the article ‘Anglers in hot water‘ in the Sun edition dated Friday, 5 August, together with the ‘offending photograph’, it surely confirms that life’s priorities are not what they used to be.

Show that photograph to any non-bitter fisherman and his words will be “wow, how’s that bag”.

My response has nothing to do with saving the rhino, because rhino poaching is pure greed for money. However, just because some guys have had a great fishing day exposes those who are jealous because it is not everyday that one gets so many musselcracker, if any at all at one spot as reported.

Apparently there is a limit of one fish per angler each day. So what would happen if the jealous anglers caught as many fish as these fisherman did? I bet they would have acted no differently. I call these photographed fisherman greatly blessed because they are the envy of others.

An example: Suppose there was a great food shortage in the country and these two fisherman told their starving friends or family that they threw eight of the 10 musselcrackers back because they have to uphold the law. Well, in all likelihood, if the family and friends had enough strength in this ‘food shortage’, these two would be dead fishermen, throwing away good food just to uphold a law. In fact it would then be called a stupid law, and even the jealous fishermen would call it such. Let’s be honest, if this photo was not put on Facebook or wherever else, it would not have gone viral and I would not be writing this but ironically, things pan out the way they do so that some people – jealous fisherman in this case – can see what fools they make of themselves especially over a few fish.

My point is that murder, rape, hijacking, mugging, house robberies, burglaries, money laundering, drug trading and abuse and the like are all outlawed because they involve human lives and these multiple crimes are broadcast in our faces everyday. Because we see them so often, we have become quite immune to them so when two fishermen enjoy a great day’s fishing, those jealous ones are just waiting with the law book in hand because someone has outdone them in the sport that they love. So they try and tarnish the reputation of others, to obtain recognition for themselves by getting a totally different story to the normal everyday one. Have you not heard that man has dominion over the creatures (obviously not for abuse) but for man’s good pleasure?

I bet these two great fishermen not only ate every morsel of this delicious fish but shared their spoils with some ‘non-jealous’ friends and family.

I ask the jealous fishermen out there to get their priorities right or better still, ask these two great fishermen if they could join them to some great fishing spots where they can remove some of that bitterness that drove them to submit this ridiculous article, and maybe even brag about some good fish they caught with a photo and not just some pub tale that everyone is tired of hearing about the ‘big one that got away’ so we can believe them.


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