
Doctors must treat patients with respect

I was shocked to hear of the way in which my wife was treated recently by a specialist at a local hospital.

EDITOR – It is with great regret that I have to resort to this medium to focus on an issue that I am sure touches many lives – that being the treatment given by doctors to patients who in most cases pay exorbitant medical bills.

What happened to the days when a GP carried his tools in a duffle bag and went to see a patient at home and gave them the care needed and made them feel assured and comfortable?

Nobody expects this in this day and age but what one would expect is when you walk into his consulting room, that he would welcome you, make you feel comfortable and treat you with respect. After all, you are ultimately the customer paying for his professional services. I would ask this community why we should accept anything less than respect and professional conduct. If you took your car for a service and you were treated with disrespect, would you accept it? No, you would walk out and give that service provider a piece of your mind. So what makes the doctor-patient relationship any different?

I was shocked to hear of the way in which my wife was treated recently by a specialist at a local hospital. He showed no respect or compassion and was downright rude – this to a patient who has cancer and had been hospitalised. He did not even have the respect to close the door. After consultation with the hospital manager about the incident and requesting an apology, I was informed that the hospital cannot discipline doctors but they would discuss the issue with him. I am still waiting for an apology, and after consultation with other hospital sources, I am led to believe this is a common occurrence but as he is a good doctor you’re expected to just suck it up and be happy as you’re getting good treatment.

I won’t tolerate this and neither should anybody have to. This has to stop and only you as a community can make a difference. You have rights as a patient to be treated with compassion and respect. I ask the community to speak out and demand respect should you receive anything less. You have the right to report such cases to the Health Professionals Council.


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