
Diary Dates – 19 February 2016

MONDAY, 22 FEBRUARY: Join in the full moon beach walk starting at 6pm from Warner Beach main beach (Baggies) to Winklespruit and back. For queries, call Yvonne on 074-190-0949. Invite your friends.

MONDAY, 22 FEBRUARY: Join in the full moon beach walk starting at 6pm from Warner Beach main beach (Baggies) to Winklespruit and back. For queries, call Yvonne on 074-190-0949. Invite your friends.

MONDAY, 22 FEBRUARY: SAARP meets for the first time this year at the Toti library activities room at 9.30am for 10am. Entrance fee of R3 is payable at the door. Bonnievale Wineries will visit from the Cape. All are welcome. Note that all members who will be tasting the wines must each take two glasses with them. Buckets for the dregs will be supplied by SAARP but if anyone can take along a bucket for this meeting, it will be appreciated. Call Maureen on 031-903-4182 or on 082-436-9281 or Bryan on 031-903-6484.

WEDNESDAY, 24 FEBRUARY: The next 21 Club luncheon will be held at Lords and Legends conference room at noon for 12.30pm. St Valentine will be honoured with red, black and white decor. The theme is ‘21 Club loves Toti’ and the speaker is Shaun Callaghan of the Army Saints. Members are reminded that confirmation of intention to attend or not, and names of guests must be received by any committee member by Friday, 19 February.

The numbers are: Lyn on 082-572-1328 or 031-903-4026; Golda on 083-633-6338 or 031-916-7001; Jenny on 083-299-4619 or 031-904-1674 and Gwyn on 072-223-3009 or 031-903-3126. Guests can only be accommodated if there is room.

FRIDAY, 26 FEBRUARY: Probus Amanzimtoti Social Club monthly meeting takes place at 9.30am for 10am in the safe, beautiful, and tranquil surroundings of Umbogavango Nature Reserve. For the bring-and-braai after the meeting, members and visitors are requested to take their own cups, meat, salads and refreshments. Because of the limited size of the venue, visitor numbers are limited so interested visitors are asked to call Sharon-Ann on 083-312-5360 by Wednesday, 24 February at the latest, as to gain entrance to the nature reserve the gate security will first check your name against their security list.

SATURDAY, 27 FEBRUARY: Kamalinee Primary School holds its annual big swim at the school swimming pool from 9am. Call the school on 031-902-4534 for details.

SATURDAY, 27 FEBRUARY: KZN Quilters Guild quilt show and open day from 9am until noon at Durban Girls High School, on the corner of Lena Arense (Manning) and Penzance roads in Glenwood. Enjoy the quilt show, shops. quilting demonstrations and teas. Visitors R40. Call Lyn on 083-463-7729.

SATURDAY, 27 FEBRUARY: Car boot sale run by Kingsburgh Lions at the Winklespruit Bowling Club, 50 Gus Brown Ave, Warner Beach.

Contact Sandy on 082-466-6480 for more details.

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