
Strain starting to show?

True to form, Horn poses questions to Cllr Beetge, when in fact it is Horn who should be answering innumerable questions arising from state misconduct.

EDITOR – I note from his recent letter that Frank Horn, our resident chameleon, is at it again, this time waffling on about Dianne Kohler-Barnard and alleged racism.

I understand Horn’s frustration.

He is under a lot of strain. It must be extremely difficult to be an avowed anti-white white, trying to prove his worth to the ANC. I can imagine how stressful it must be, trying to establish ‘struggle’ credentials when he was actually part of the system engaged in oppressing those involved in the struggle.

True to form, Horn poses questions to Cllr Beetge, when in fact it is Horn who should be answering innumerable questions arising from state misconduct. He does after all represent the ANC government. Wishful thinking I guess. Reality is, they are absolute masters of unaccountability.

All-in-all, a fairly mild affair this time around. It’s just a case of Horn blowing his trumpet.


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