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Good turnout for ABC’s 76th AGM

The winners of Big Chicks were Peter Callaghan, Clive Frank, Shayne Tocher and Denise Bingham

By Cher E Bell

THE winners of the monthly women’s trips at Amanzimtoti Bowling Club were Pam Chalder-Royle, Noreen Butler and Maggie Robertson.

In second place were Heather Brown, Lys McDonald and Christine Darley, and the second session went to Kay Martin, Sue Welch and Jeanette Els. R100,60 was raised for Hospice through the spider, which was won by Kathy Harding, and Val de Kok won the 100 board. Ian McDonald won the 100 board at TGIF.

Alan McGregor’s key came up in the key draw, but even though he made the key box, it didn’t work in his favour and his key would not open the box. The key draw next week is worth R8,340 and 25 keys are left. Stan Shaw’s number came up in the attendance draw, but as he was not present, next week’s draw is worth R200. The 76th AGM and prize-giving was well attended, with 101 members present, 19 apologies and 17 postal votes.

The president thanked all who attended. The incoming committee is a mixture of experience and new faces. President Alec Stirzaker, vice-president Glen Scorgie, women’s vice-president Maureen van der Poel, honorary treasurer Nicky Stirzaker, honorary secretary Jackie Holdrick, men’s competition secretary Brian Crause, women’s competition secretary Vera Broskie, and general committee members Mike Groom and Jacqui Fouché.

Men’s selectors are Greg McLeod, Ian Crouch, Glen Scorgie and Lofty van Tonder with alternative Coy Schrauwen; women’s selectors are Pam Chalder-Royle, Heather Brown, Marion Crouch and Maureen van der Poel, alternatives Robyn Hutton and Doreen Salmond. Good luck to them all in the coming year.

Thanks was given to Liz Morgan-Davis and Dallas Davis for all their hard work in the past year in their roles as vice-presidents. Thanks also went to Lynn Joubert, Pam Chalder-Royle, Michelle Pitchers, Talla Stephens-Viviers, Karen Shepherd, Jeff van Belkum, Dave Gardner and Frank Quinn for their assistance in registration and vote counting.

Dave Lombard, long time member and coach, who is moving away to be near family, was wished well for the future.

Sadly membership has dwindled slightly. The club hopes to attract new and younger bowlers in the future. One idea to help with this is to start a business league of fun, floodlit bowls. Subs will be increased to R600 this year, while bowlers over 75 will continue to pay R300. BSA fees are expected to be around R330, to be confirmed. Social members’ subs will be R192. Invoices will be sent out, quote this number when paying.

Tabs-in games will continue to be free. Members who have financial problems are advised to speak to the committee in complete confidence, and can be assisted by the Laurie Thompson Fund. Neil Harris, Babs Swart, Arthur Walker, Shirley Ann Joubert, Maureen and Hennie van der Poel, Ian Crouch and Heather Brown have become honorary members.

Dallas Davis, in Brian Crause the competition secretary’s absence, and Julie Sutherland gave their reports on the past year. Well done to Jerry Gertzen who is now qualified as a marker, technical official (umpire), level two coach and has been elected as President of SA Nomad’s Bowls.

Julie reflected on the success of Toti women in SA, KZN and Port Natal tournaments this year. Well done to all prize winners and runners-up. The most improved players this year were Leon van Rensburg and Jeanne Alexander, and the players of the year were Greg McLeod and Doreen Salmond.

The winners of Big Chicks were Peter Callaghan, Clive Frank, Shayne Tocher and Denise Bingham; runners-up were Alf Bingham, Barry Buckland, Chris van der Westhuizen and Maggie Robertson; and in 3rd place were Jerry Gertzen, Neville Roscoe, Val de Kok and Owen Turner. The first session was won by Tony Cam, Jock Meldrum, Ken Leech and Margaret van Belkum; and the second session by Willem Pelser, Alec Stirzaker, Jenny Delport and Jackie Holdrick.

Most bowls went to Peter and Maxien Barnes, Ben Venter and Talla Stephens-Viviers; and the lucky 13th prize went to Vince Marriot, Andrew Pearce, Bill Riley and Leigh Callaghan.

The 100 board was won by Rob Troughton, Jackie Holdrick and Peter Snyman. Thanks to sponsors Gladys Hughes, Jerry Gertzen of Orange River Cellars and Brian Pascoe.

Thanks also go to bar and kitchen staff, greenkeepers, as well as Neville Roscoe and Jerry Gertzen for doing the cards, and Dave Gardner for his organisation.

Next Big Chicks is on 18 October. Friday, 25 September is Kwikspar interclub nominated mixed pairs at 1pm for 1.30pm; and Sunday, 27 September is mutton.

Many happy returns go this week to Margaret van Belkum, Babs Swart, Joe Tetluk, Innocent Sithole and Johan van der Westhuizen.

Get well soon to all who are sick with a special mention to Bill Beamson who is currently in hospital.

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