
Off-duty guard helps net business robber

We immediately put members at possible escape routes.

Although tired from completing a shift and keen to get home, a vigilant Community Crime Prevention Organisation (CCPO) guard spotted a robber with stolen goods on the train and had him apprehended.

According to CCPO operations manager, Leon Joone, Cyprian Dlungele had just gone off-duty and boarded the train at Toti to travel to Umlazi.

“He noticed the man with suspected stolen goods. He phoned for assistance and the CCPO and Toti SAPS members met the train at Umbogintwini station, where the man was arrested after he was linked to a business robbery at a printing company in Warner Beach.”

In a separate incident on Monday morning, 7 September, a man was arrested after he and an accomplice allegedly broke into a house in Ndongeni Road.

“We immediately put members at possible escape routes and contacted Metro Police dog handler, Shawn Jooste,” said Leon.

“CCPO committee member, Paul O’Neill spotted two men running down Roysten Road into the Filikize area.”

Leon gave chase on foot and directed Blue Security, CCPO and Metro police to where man was. Metro Police dog Gus sniffed out one man, who was found in possession of stolen property and he was handed to Toti SAPS.


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