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Wessa charts important enviro days in September

Few people realise the challenges facing those on the frontline who have inadequate resources and thousands of kilometres to patrol, with little idea where poachers will hit next.

THE Upper South Coast branch of the Wildlife and Environment Society of SA (WESSA) reminds residents of the following important environmental dates which fall during September:

1 to 7 September – National Arbor Week. Everyone is encouraged to plant indigenous trees. The 2015 tree of the year is the forest bushwillow and the alternate, the parsley tree.

14 to 19 September – National Clean-Up Week. Everyone must do their bit to keep our country beautiful. Don’t leave it to only a few. Form your own group and choose an area to clean-up or join a group.

18 September – Recycling Day. Take time to consider if you are recycling whatever you can. Separate your waste and use the orange bag system.

19 September – International Coastal Clean-Up. Marine debris is an international concern. In 2014, 560,000 volunteers in 91 countries picked up more than 16 million pounds of trash. Even if you don’t join a group on this day, make an effort each time you go to the beach to collect some of the litter and dispose of it.

22 September – World Rhino Day. Few people realise the challenges facing those on the frontline who have inadequate resources and thousands of kilometres to patrol, with little idea where poachers will hit next. Make enquiries about reputable organisations involved in saving the rhinos and see how you can help.

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