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Here’s to the next 50, JK Rowling!

Harry Potter creator marks her milestone birthday

HARRY Potter’s world brings the fables of magic and wizardry to life in a way that should be celebrated – if not for any other reason that it succeeded where so many others failed, in that it introduced an entire generation (and most of their parents!) to the wonderful world of reading!

So it makes sense that only the powerful wizard creator of the uber-popular Harry Potter series, J.K Rowling would get to celebrate her 50th birthday on the same occasion as a ‘blue moon’, today, 31 July.


Reaching one’s half century can make one pretty fearful though, so whether she’s pulling a Harry Potter move….


Whether she’s as fearful as Ron

Ron sad

Or downright scared witless…


J.K. will be deciding how she’ll mark her big day….

While Ron Weasley would’ve just tucked into a feast fit for a young wizard


J.K. is reportedly planning a big party.
She told the USA breakfast show Today: “My mother died at 45… You’ve got to celebrate every year that you are here and in good health because what’s the alternative? What’s the alternative to ageing? It’s checking out and I’d rather still be here.
“I still have children to raise, I still have books to write. So genuinely I will have a party with my friends, we’ll have a great time. I’m looking forward to it.”

Were she at Hogwarts, it’s a sure bet that she’d receive a standing ovation and lots of cheer on her 50th! Here’s to the next 50, J.K!


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