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SPCA, Metro Police refute dogs’ health in jeopardy

Allegations of dogs being starved were investigated.

IN the last week, concerns have been raised regarding the health of Metro Police dogs and in light of a public outcry, Amanzimtoti SPCA issued a media statement on Friday, 19 June.

The Amanzimtoti SPCA, together with Durban and Coast SPCA, investigated the allegations of dogs being starved at a dog unit of the Ethekwini Metro Police. The dogs were found to be in acceptable condition with minor animal welfare concerns which are being addressed,” said Amanzimtoti SPCA manager, Tracey Girling.

“Meetings took place between the SPCA and Ethekwini Metro Police officials with the main objective being to uplift the welfare standards of the dogs at the dog unit. Metro Police signed an old dog over to Amanzimtoti SPCA for humane euthanasia as the dog had paralysis in both back legs and was unable to walk properly. The handler of the dog was offered the opportunity to adopt the dog but declined due to the expensive medical costs involved.”

Amanzimtoti SPCA assures the public that this matter is being handled accordingly and that follow-up inspections will be conducted at the facility to ensure no animal suffers. 

Earlier in the day, eThekwini Municipality also issued a media statement to assure the public that there is no shortage of dog food and various other essential grooming and handling items for Metro Police dogs. 

“A routine stock verification recently conducted indicates there is adequate supply of dog food. Items such as shampoo, check chains, leashes, tackle suits, dog brushes and tracking leads are in stock. Metro Police cannot accept donations because there is sufficient stock in place, therefore it is not necessary to accept donations from the public,” said eThekwini Municipality’s communications head, Tozi Mthethwa.

“Importantly, all dogs in the Metro Police dog unit are vaccinated and their medical records are filed accordingly. Our dogs are attended to by qualified and experienced veterinary physicians. Metro Police sought the assistance of the SPCA to put down one of its dogs which was old and ailing. The care of Metro Police dogs is of utmost importance to council as they are an integral part of the Metro Police family and every effort is being made to ensure that their care is of an acceptable standard.”

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