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Toti WI members master new crafts

Craft this month was so different.

AMANZIMTOTI Women’s Institute president, Muriel Hartwig, welcomed members to the general meeting held on 9 June.

Members were thanked for all baby toiletries given to charity.

The charity for the July meeting will be Hospice.

If you can spare a collection as well as small toiletries, this would be appreciated.

Congratulations to Dawn Gould who celebrated her 80th birthday this month, and provided WI members with lovely snacks for the morning tea.

Jossie van Staden demonstrated ‘tea bag folding’, which is paper or light board cut into various sizes and folded several times to make flower shaped articles to decorate gift bags, boxes or even Christmas decorations. Jossie is very talented and a good and patient teacher. This was interesting and great fun to do. Thank you Jossie.

Craft this month was so different. Members made clock faces on old LP records and CD’s which were beautifully made.

Competition results:


  • L.Botha, Y Dixie, J Martin, J van Staden, J Donkin, all special.


  • J Donkin special.


  • J Martin, Y Dixie, N Podmore all first.
  • J Donkin special.

Home products:

  • Y Dixie, J Martin, C de Lange all second.


  • Y Dixie, J van Staden special.
  • J Donkin, J Martin both first.


  • Pat Roach, S Stone special.
  • J van Staden first.
  • L Botha, J Martin, second.


  • A Martens, Y Dixie, B Lane all first.
  • M Hartwig second.

Amanzimtoti Women’s Institute meets in the library activities room on the second Tuesday of the month at 9.15am. For further information phone Muriel Hartwig on 031-903-1469.

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