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BREAKING NEWS: Swine flu cases confirmed in Toti

A local teacher and a pupil are being treated for the influenza A H1N1 virus

There are at least two confirmed cases of the influenza A H1Ni virus, also known as swine flu, in Toti and residents are being urged to consider having this year’s flu vaccine administered in a bid to ward off contracting it.

Today (Thursday, 28 May) Amanzimtoti High School sent its pupils home with letters outlining precautions that should be taken, after a teacher and a pupil were diagnosed with the virus.

On Monday, 25 May, the Sun queried unconfirmed reports of two patients being treated for swine flu at Kingsway Hospital. However, the hospital’s marketing officer, Liziwe Ntikinca, said: “I am honestly not aware of any admissions or cases of swine flu in our hospital. Patient confidentiality/diagnosis and information is strictly maintained, therefore, (I) would not be able to divulge any information without consent. In essence though, I am not aware of any swine flu cases.”

By Wednesday evening, however, the Sun was told by an anonymous source that there were seven confirmed cases at the hospital. An email to the hospital on Thursday morning to confirm this was unanswered at the time of publishing.

Toti High principal, Louise Lemmer’s letter cautioned parents not to panic, but to familiarise themselves with the symptoms of the highly contagious respiratory disease, which has now become a new strain of the flu virus. The symptoms usually cause short-term illness similar to seasonal flu. These include:

  • High temperature
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Body aches
  • Running nose
  • Headache
  • Chills
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhoea and vomiting

CLICK HERE to read How to prevent swine flu

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