
Resident suffers punctured lung in stabbing

He is recovering in hospital.

A 30-YEAR-OLD man is recovering in hospital after being stabbed twice by a loiterer’s accomplice at a block of flats in Bayley Lane, Warner Beach in the early hours of Sunday, 17 May.

“We live on the third floor. My son heard a noise at about 12.30am, looked through a window and saw a man loitering near one of the ground floor flats. He went downstairs to arrest him. At the time my husband and I were unaware of the situation as we were asleep,” said his mother.

“He tried to speak to the man and who tried to run, and he grabbed hold of him. My son felt someone behind him, he was stabbed in the back with a knife which pierced his lung. He was also stabbed in the leg.”

Although bleeding profusely, he reached the flat and alerted his parents. “We rushed him to Kingsway Hospital. A drainage was placed in his lung to drain the excess blood. He is in a stable condition.”

She advises the community not to intervene in a similar situation. “If you see something and and you are in safe environment, rather stay there and alert the authorities.”

Click here to read about another incident with loiterers just further down the road

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