
Livid over loiterers

It is suspected that opportunistic criminals integrate themselves into the groups of genuine job seekers.

A Toti resident is annoyed at being harrassed by loiterers on Kingsway in Warner Beach on Sunday evening, 17 May.

Cedric Carr was sitting in the driver’s seat of his vehicle, with his daughter in a booster chair in the rear when he was approached by a man asking for money on the passenger side of his vehicle.

“I told him to move along, but then I saw another guy sneaking up on the driver’s side of my vehicle in my rearview mirror,” he said.

Cedric got out of his vehicle with two weapons and confronted the two men, who he said were very arrogant. “Especially the one who sneaked up. He had his hand through my window and was tickling and playing with my daughter.”

After some strong words, the men decided they had picked on the wrong person and fled, after a Spar employee saw what was happening and called the Community Crime Prevention Organisation (CCPO).

Residents routinely request the removal of these loiterers. However, there is no easy solution to solving the problem of job seekers congregating in groups on Kingsway in Warner Beach, according to ward 97 councillor, Andre Beetge, who has been aware of the problem and has attempted to find a rational solution for a number of years.

It is suspected that opportunistic criminals integrate themselves into the groups of genuine job seekers and as a result, a number of crimes in the area have been attributed to the ‘loiterers’.

Click here to read about the Warner Beach man stabbed by loiterers

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