
City acting undemocratically in sports club fiasco

It is my opinion that the council's decision is seriously flawed, that the process followed is questionable, founded in anti-white racism and therefore unlawful and unacceptable.

EDITOR – According to our Constitution, South Africa is a democracy.

Sounds lovely, however, I have some difficulty reconciling this with the conduct of the Ethekwini Municipality.

A large number of clubs are currently under threat of eviction from council-owned land. Judging by statements made by senior municipal officials, it seems the city council is out to punish longstanding sports clubs in and around Durban, particularly those deemed ‘too white’.

One exception is the Berea Rovers Sports Club, who were initially threatened with eviction by the Ethekwini Municipality. According to council Speaker, Logie Naidoo, Rovers had ‘a pre-democracy lease’. Fortunately they have now been given a new lease on life, and improved facilities, much to the relief of members. Let’s just hope this privilege is extended to all other clubs currently under threat.

What concerns me is what preceded this affair and what motivated the city council to lease the land to Hoy Park Management and Liverpool Soccer Club in the first place? According to city manager Sbu Sithole, it is a matter of urgency for the Liverpool lease agreement to be signed as the club wanted to lay a football pitch by December. Why the rush? And what about the statutory objection process which has not yet commenced?

I get the impression that ordinary, law-abiding citizens are mere pawns in this affair, to be discarded whenever it takes the fancy of the ruling party. And my word, isn’t one’s patriotism put to the test? After all, here we have the city council attempting to destroy South African sports clubs, yet at the same time flouting the Constitution, just to accommodate Liverpool, a foreign club.

It is my opinion that the council’s decision is seriously flawed, that the process followed is questionable, founded in anti-white racism and therefore unlawful and unacceptable. I have submitted a letter to the city manager, requesting that the council rescind its decision. I have not received a response.

When Thembinkosi Ngcobo, head of Durban’s parks and recreation department, targets some 40 sports clubs in Durban, because, according to him, they ‘mostly still consist of people from the white community’, I have no doubt as to what he intends. And likewise, I have absolutely no doubt as to what council Speaker Logie Naidoo intends when he says “a lot of these clubs have predominantly white membership”.

The fact that senior officials unabashedly make such blatantly racist statements, speaks volumes. Certainly an unpleasant situation but at least this does help dispel illusions. Rainbow nation? Ja well no fine.


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