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Kuswag to make rugby history

Never before has a team from South Africa had the privilege to be a part of this annual tournament.

Kuswag Skool’s U19 rugby team will make history next year when they travel to Portugal to participate in an international junior rugby festival.

They were invited to represent Toti and South Africa by competing in an international schools tournament, where more than 32 countries are represented.

Never before has a team from South Africa had the privilege to be a part of this annual tournament.

Seven rugby pitches are used including the national stadium and 2,000 players compete in 300 matches. It is the largest tournament in the world which garners prestige, publicity and television coverage.

“This makes it an enormous opportunity for current and prospective sponsors, as there will be plenty of local and international press and television coverage,” said Kuswag rugby coach, Jaco Lubbe.

The team knows that they have their work cut out for them and are therefore working hard at making this tour a huge success.

Expectations are high and nothing less than the best will be enough. “We want to make South Africa proud and we are therefore extremely committed to this tour. The players are already hard at work to not only get themselves in shape, but also to help with fundraising. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for all the players,” said Jaco.

For more information or to take advantage of this unique marketing opportunity, email jbothma69@gmail.com.

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  1. SUPPER trots op julle ouens!!* Baie trots om myself n Kuswagter te noem… hou aan om ons naam hoog te hou .

  2. Ek bid vir hierdie wonderlike, trotse span, dat hulle genoeg geld insamel om op hierdie toer te gaan. Baie trots op julle. Van ons almal hier uit Malawi. Sterkte met die insameling.

  3. Al wat ek wil weet is hoekom die beste Rugby skool in Suid-Afrika nie gekies om by hierdie toernooi ons land te verteenwoordig nie .

  4. Here,s praying the community and companies will put their hands deep in their pockets to financially help these boys of ours fulfill this wonderful opportunity to play for our town and country. And, make us proud. Open your hearts people, every donation, big or small is heartedly appreciated. Contact Kuswag School for details.

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