
Southcoast Sun 1988

25 years ago

* TOTI High School pupils who live in Kingsburgh and make use of school contract buses may not be allowed to do so in future.
The Natal Education Department advised the Kingsburgh Municipality it is aware that some pupils are making use of the contract buses in contravention of provincial regulations.

* GOOD news for the Amanzimtoti town centre is that although Checkers are to close their existing store when they move to their large supermarket in Seadoone Road later this month, another supermarket is to open in the place of Checkers.
The Spar organisation confirmed this week that negotiations had been concluded with the landlord, the lifegro Assurance Group, and a Spar Foodliner will open when checkers vacates the premises.

* THE CENTRAL sport club at Hutchison Park is in trouble again and the Toti Council is to take action.
The club is believed to be two months in arrears on rent due to the municipality and matters took a turn for the worse at the recent AGM of the Central Club when chairman Eddie Cousins abandoned the meeting because the treasurer could not provide the books.

* RESIDENTS of Burne Road in Athlone Park have watched the horror and devastation of the hillside below their homes where excavations have taken place to remove sand for the building of the new interchange in Prospecton.
Matters come to a head this week after the strong winds over the weekend whipped up the sand and virtually deposited sand dunes in their gardens.

* WARNER Beach residents are up in arms about the present appalling state of their beach facilities in the vicinity of the waterside and old tearoom.
A number of them have written letters to the Sun as well as to the Kingsburgh Council demanding to know what, if anything, is being done about the situation.

* A JOINT venture between AECI Chlor-Alk-ali and Plastic Limited and C G Smith Sugar will see the construction of a R50-million hydrogen peroxide plant on the AECI Umbogintwini factory site.
Construction will begin within the next few months and commissioning will be complete in 1990.

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