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Wanderers’ Haven secures new premises

The new site will provide an area where the organisation can continue to assist the community.

Non-profit organisation Wanderers’ Haven has secured new premises that will move the entity to the next chapter as it works to better the lives of others.

ALSO READ: Milestone celebration for Wanderers Haven

The property is on Wanda Cele Road in KwaFelekisi, bordering Doonside, and it is famous for its landmark which is widely known as the ‘triple-storey shack’. Johnny and Sharon Swanepoel, who run Wanderers’ Haven, said they have always had a vision of building a place where those in need could be better served.

“The Lord guided us to this place, and we have gone through the process of getting the blessing of the local Induna (tribal headman) and signing a long-term lease with the owner of the property,” said Johnny.

The triple-story shack will sadly be demolished on November 1, to make way for the new Wanderers Haven complex that Johnny and Sharon already have drawn up plans for. Johnny stressed that it will not be a shelter.

“The complex will consist of a church, a charity shop, cabins, and an ablution block. As our name states, it will be a haven, a place of safety,” he said.

Wanderers’ Haven is a faith-based nonprofit organisation that assists families in need through various means, including a feeding scheme and a charity shop that helps generate the income used in its mission. The organisation also facilitates help for those battling addiction.

“None of this is possible without our God. We are stepping out in bold, crazy faith with absolutely nothing, and we know that God is going to make this happen,” said Sharon.

Anyone who is willing to sponsor spades, rakes, wheelbarrows, building materials, and other tools can contact Johnny and Sharon at 084 222 1819 or 081 587 1821.
Monetary donations can be made to the following bank account:
First National Bank
Cheque Account – 62858409131
Reference – Building



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