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Bhekulwandle community worker honoured

Londiwe Myeza said she is humbled by the recognition she has received for her work.

THE CEO of Seed of Hope said she feels encouraged by the recognition she received from the eThekwini Municipality for the good work she has been doing in the Bhekulwandle community.

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Londiwe Myeza was one of the women who were honoured on September 7 by eThekwini’s Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture for making a difference in the community. The event was held at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre, and the chairperson of the community services committee, Zama Sokhabase, said the celebration was aimed to celebrate women who have tirelessly and fearlessly fought against social challenges and injustices in society.

“Women continue to be plagued by various forms of abuse. But, despite it all, they are always ready to break the glass ceiling and enter new spaces they were previously excluded from,” she said, adding that community development is not easy because it has many challenges.

“We are constantly met with lack of resources while community needs are increasing. Being recognised in such platforms helps us see that our work is not in vain, and community members see our work,” said Londiwe.


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