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Eddie gears up for 2,500km Le Jog cycle

KEEN cyclist and Doonside resident, Eddie Hattingh (68) is in the UK to cycle from Lands End in Cornwall to John O' Groats on the northern tip of Scotland, commonly referred to as Le-Jog, a distance of 2,500km.

“It will be a solo journey. My Mongoose MTB has to carry me and my saddlebags and there will be no medal at the end,” said Eddie.

The swervy zig-zag route will take in cycle paths, canal towpaths and rujevenated paths next to railway tracks.

“It’s definitely not getting on to the main highway, jumping on the pedals to get from end to end. The 25-day journey will be along quiet, scenic parts of the UK along the coast at times, in-land routes along lakes and island hopping in Scotland, where the ferry will give my legs and Mongoose a welcome rest.”

Eddie has plotted his route with the help of Ride-with-GPS, which will be his guide dog on the roads, which look like strands of spaghetti on a map.

He has been in training since November 2012. “It has been months of long rides, some a distance of 95km. My ever-willing mate, Peter Kemp helped me prepare my legs and brain for the slog to John ‘O Groats. My Mongoose was modified by Bruce Koll who is a genius when it comes to working with a metal steed.”

Eddie has often been asked how he will manage the steep hills and the loneliness. “My simple answer is my parrot and carrot will see me through. The parrot to talk to during those long, lonely stretches in Scotland and the carrot has been inscribed with ‘my official end to ender encourager’. Both will be needed to get me up the steep slopes.”

Eddie is looking forward to the adventure. “I have always said pain is temporary, quitting lasts forever. So it will have to be something serious to see me quit.”

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