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WATCH: Treat your allergies naturally

Ease your allergies with these tips.

Some of us can’t enjoy spring and its beautiful bloom of flowers or freshly cut grass without having a full allergy attack.  Allergy sufferers deal with itchy eyes and noses, which are running most of the time, exhaustion from blowing noses and sinus headaches.

Because of it, we end up staying at home dosed up and high on medication.

But there are ways to ease your allergies according to mashable.com:

Apple cider vinegar: “Drink this to increase your potassium, which will help eliminate runny noses. Apple cider vinegar helps to break up mucus in the body, letting you breathe again. But don’t drink it straight; try diluting it in water or with lemon juice.”

Probiotics: This can be found in your yogurt. Try to eat one a day.

Nasal irrigation: Nasal irrigation is the draining of saline from one nostril through another in order to flush out the mucus.

Hot shower: Not only will the steam help clear your sinuses temporarily, but the American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology recommends you take a shower once you enter your home to cleanse yourself of all the outdoor pollen said mashable.com

Read more tips on mashable.com

WATCH: How to do a nasal irrigation


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