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VIDEO: Can you relate to these phobias?

Do you have a phobia? What is it and what triggers it?

There are many phobias in the world such as the famous one claustrophobia, the fear of being enclosed in a small space or room and unable to escape. There is also the infamous trypophobia, the fear of holes. And thanks to Photoshop and a creative mind, that fear is growing.

Can you stomach this?

A common phobia I’m sure we all had while growing up is  dentophobia. The fear of dentists.

Or here’s a strange one, genuphobia the fear of knees.

Áccording to Buzzfeed the fear of long words is sesquipedalophobia, which is hilarious considering the tongue-twister of it. Read more on phobias on Buzzfeed

WATCH: Will Smith talks about overcoming fear



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