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Weekend abuzz for Winkle Lifesaving Club

A reminder to all members that subscriptions are due from the beginning of September so make arrangements to pay your subs.

LAST weekend Winklespruit Surf Lifesaving Club was again a hive of activity with the refreshment centre well attended on Friday night.

On Saturday morning, the beach clean-up took place with many club members helping to clean up the beaches between the boardwalk in the South and Warner Beach in the North.

This initiative driven by club members Denzil Van Der Westhuizen and Evan Geldenhuys is achieving great results with 30 big bags of litter (mainly plastic ) being removed from the beaches on Saturday morning alone. The club is tremendously proud to these two environmentalists whose passion for a clean, safe beach and sea is remarkable.

On Saturday evening the club hosted a 60th birthday party and then on Sunday morning, members and friends watched the boxing followed by a breakfast. The duty squad under the leadership of Slater Rudling performed at full day’s duty even though the weather conditions were not the greatest.

To the members of the public of all ages, if you would like to get involved in an active, vibrant club go down to Winklespruit Beach this Sunday morning, 3 September when the club’s open day will be held. Starting at 8.30am all nippers (from age six years on), juniors (14 years) and seniors (18 years) can get involved with the activities planned for the morning. Nippers will do some training and fun events until around 10.30am. There is also a social side to the club for those who are interested. Food and refreshments will also be on sale so set your alarms and get down to Winklespruit Beach.

The competitive members should note that the second lifesaving carnival is being held in Durban on Sunday and must be attended if you want to be selected for the KZN Surf Lifesaving team. Good luck. A reminder to all members that subscriptions are due from the beginning of September so make arrangements to pay subs.

See you on the beach.

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