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Haven: Watch your words

The Haven meets at the premises of the NG Kerk on the corner of Dan Pienaar and Frost Street, starting at 9.45am.

THE Haven is an interdenominational group which meets every Tuesday, enjoying great fellowship, connecting and developing new relationships.

When the earth was created, we understand there was nothing.

It was called ‘without form and void’ meaning empty and nothingness. But just by speaking, creation took place. Words like “let there be light”, and there was light. “Let there be trees and vegetation” and it appeared.

Whether we speak negative or positive, what we say we will have. Our words are extremely powerful. A child who is continually told they are naughty although well behaved begins to display characteristics of bad behaviour. Watch your words. It is worth telling your children that if it doesn’t encourage and build people up, then don’t say it.

The Haven meets at the premises of the NG Kerk on the corner of Dan Pienaar and Frost Street, starting at 9.45am.

All are welcome. Direct queries to Carol on 072-673-1920.

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