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Spring meeting for Probus Club

Because of the size of the venue visitor numbers are limited and interested visitors are asked to call Sharon-Ann on 083-312-5360 by Wednesday, 23 September at the latest

THE next Probus Amanzimtoti Social Club monthly meeting takes place on Friday, 25 September at 9.20am for 10am in the safe, beautiful, and tranquil surroundings of Umbogavango Nature Reserve.

For the bring-and-braai after the meeting, members and visitors are requested to take along their own cups, meat, salads and refreshments.

This month there will be another interesting speaker which members will find both interesting and informative. Probus Amanzimtoti is a social club for retired or semi-retired persons over 50 and membership is open to singles or couples who enjoy meeting new people and socialising with their peers.

Because of the size of the venue visitor numbers are limited and interested visitors are asked to call Sharon-Ann on 083-312-5360 by Wednesday, 23 September at the latest, as to gain entrance to the nature reserve the gate security will first check your name against their security list.

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