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Kingsway bids farewell to Mr H

He leaves high school after 29 years.

WITH more free time on his hands, newly retired principal of Kingsway High School (KHS), Geoff Harrison plans to climb more mountains, sail more oceans and swim more seas.

Pupils and teachers bade him farewell on Monday, 27 July after 29 years at Kingsway High School, 17 of them as principal.

Acting principal Veronika Brits thanked ‘Mr H’ for all he has done for KHS. “When he arrived this was a much smaller school. Under his guidance and leadership, it has grown into the fine institution it is today, known throughout Durban, KZN and the country. The school has won several national awards, been part of the Alan Gray circle of excellence, top 100 schools and recipient of Optima – Epic Trust money. Mr H is called the head principal by many colleagues and is well-respected in teaching circles, always ready to help other people and schools.”

Brits said he has always shown a keen interest in the learners, the vision to empower and inspire young men and women to move boldly into the future. “It’s been important to him to create opportunities for learners to grow and develop, be it academically, in sport, cultural activities or in leadership. Education at KHS has always been a liberal one, encouraging pupils to voice themselves.”

She also thanked him for always being a good sport – ”for joining in a tug-o-war, the polar bear swim, staff hockey and soccer teams, for always dressing-up suitably for occasions, for allowing learners to take the mickey out of you in the musical year after year and the sweets handed out for credits.”

He was wished well in his retirement. “No more worries and stress, no more responding to bells that rule your life, no more getting up so early, no more driving a long trip in the traffic, no more having everyone watching and criticising whatever you do, no more hassling by learners, teachers, parents or the education department. You now have the freedom to do what you want, when you want and how you want. Use the time to travel, do sport, run marathons, triathlons, swims, take up hobbies work in the garden, read and spend time with your family.”

Each grade presented him with a portfolio of messages, a gift from the prefect body and a specially-calibrated sun dial for his home in Westville from the school.

Harrison described his retirement as emotional. “Kingsway is different – the children have always had a special relationship with staff, it made the job so much easier, it hasn’t been work but a calling. I was meant to be here, it has been fantastic,” he said.

Now with no time limits, he plans to pursue his passion, more swimming and hiking. “There is so much to do. I used to do pottery, I can go back to it. I have been involved in lifelong learning, I will find a lot of courses to do, including online courses which I have looked up.”

He said to become a teacher, one must have a love for children. “Each individual needs to be appreciated and helped along the way.”

Having attended Westville Boys High Schools, teachers there inspired him. “The teachers made the subjects so alive and interesting . It was then I decided to pursue it as a career.”

Geoff is is married to Peta and the couple have two sons.

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