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SPCA warning: Don’t leave dogs in hot cars

When it’s as cool as 22°C outside, the temperature inside a car can reach 47°C within 60 minutes.

WITH the weather being extremely hot, Amanzimtoti SPCA has become aware of several incidents of dogs being left unattended in cars.

“Dogs die in hot cars, don’t leave your dog alone in a car. When it’s as cool as 22°C outside, the temperature inside a car can reach 47°C within 60 minutes.
Dogs pant to keep cool. In hot, stuffy cars dogs can’t cool down – leaving a window open or a sunshield on windscreens won’t keep your car cool enough,” said Toti SPCA PRO, Michelle Hannan.

If you see a dog in a car on a warm day, call the SPCA on 031-904-2424. Make a note of where the car is, give a description of the vehicle and if possible take pictures, including the licence plate number and of the dog. Email to info@spcatoti.co.za.

Heatstroke can be fatal, some dogs are more prone than others:
* Dogs with short snouts;
* Fat or big-muscled dogs;

* Long-haired breeds;
* Old and young dogs and
* Dogs with certain diseases or on certain medication.

Heatstroke develops when dogs can’t reduce their body temperature. Symptoms include heavy panting, profuse salivation, rapid pulse, very red gums and tongue, lethargy, lack of co- ordination, reluctance or inability to rise after collapsing, vomiting, diarrhoea and loss of consciousness.

Act quickly, as heatstroke can be fatal. If dogs show any signs of heatstroke, move them to a shaded, cool area.

Urgently, gradually lower their body temperature:
* Douse them with cool (not cold) water to avoid shock. You could use a shower, or spray and place them in the breeze of a fan.
* Let them drink small amounts of cool water.

* Continue dousing until their breathing settles, never cool dogs so much that they begin shivering.
* Once your dog is cool, immediately go to the nearest vet.

Warm weather tips:
* Never leave dogs alone in cars, glass conservatories or caravans even if it’s cloudy.
* If you do leave dogs outside, you must provide a cool, shady spot where they can escape from the sun.

* Always provide good supplies of drinking water, in a weighted bowl that can’t be knocked over.
* Groom dogs regularly to get rid of excess hair. Give long-coated breeds a haircut at the start of summer.

* Never allow dogs to exercise excessively in hot weather.
* Dogs can get sunburned, particularly those with light-coloured noses or fur on their ears. Ask your vet for advice on pet-safe sunscreen.

If the SPCA finds a dog locked in a hot car that is in distress, an SPCA inspector in the presence of a police officer can legally break a car window to rescue that animal.

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