
Brothers bitten while restraining burglar

Two-hour wait for police to arrive.

Two brothers sustained bite wounds from their dog while subduing a potential housebreaker.

Dean Salmon (24) was alerted to the intruder by his boerbul-cross-doberman at his Kingsley Terrace home at about 1.30pm on Wednesday, 26 March.

“I confronted him, and he started to panic when my dog arrived,” he said. When the dog started to nip him, Dean tried to get the man to calm down and relax. His brother, Grant then arrived and tackled the man and in the confusion, the dog bit him and Dean on the legs.

“I pulled the dog off and found a knife on the man when I searched him,” said Dean.

The brothers tied up the man, while neighbours alerted Chubb Security and the CCPO.

When Toti SAP were contacted about the incident, they initially said they had no vehicles to respond and the CCPO must bring the man to the police station.

They later said they would attend the scene, but two hours after the incident occurred, the brothers were still waiting to give their statements.

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  1. Dear Readers,

    I would like firstly, to thank all who assisted us & attended.
    To our neighbours, your support & response in calling CCPO when we couldn’t made all the difference. CCPO & Chubb for their swift response.
    To NetCare 911’s Chris Botha & his paramedics.
    As well as Amanzimtoti Methodist Church for their support in assisting with contacting Mr Botha.

    With regard to the article, thanks to the South Coast Sun for their article on the incident.

    We would like to emphasise to all though, that the focus we urge for is that as residents in Toti we (Amanzimtoti) cannot & should not ignore the rising crime in our streets & neighbourhoods. We personally rely on CCPO as our key line of defence and apprehension of criminals.

    I’d like to encourage residents, if you with CCPO don’t hesitate to rely on them. If not, get them.

    Lastly, though we have little confidence in Toti SAPS & are displeased to say the least with the 2hr wait for SAPS to arrive on scene.
    I would like to give thanks to Warrant Officer Ntobela for his assistance in the charge office to make our case.

    I must however also note that though our suspect was released with a charge of Trespassing. It is our hope that this will show him & those like him, that their criminal behaviour is not the solution by any means for poverty, financial needs or any other.
    Seek help by asking!

    Toti has many churches, clinics & welfare organisations to assist you.
    Also to business owners I hope that we can as a community develop ( brainstorm) projects that may teach & provide jobs these individuals with jobs that will not only help them but positively feedback into the communities as well.

    Both the rural & the residential areas of Toti are struggling finically, lets pull together and work to stop financial difficulties, Not rob from one another!


  2. It seems to me that Toti policemen enjoy having the CCPO do their duty for them. They had 5 vehicles at one policemans private disposal a while back, but have “no vehicles when it suits them. If people value their homes and possesion and even theru lives. then subscribe to the CCPO.

  3. Toti residents must stand together with Chubb and CCPO, if we all joined forces in this town and every other town and City did the same, we won’t need these monkeys posing as policemen, because we are targeted by them. They should close the police station down, we don’t need them.

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