
Diary Dates

Send your non-profit events to southcoastsun@dbn.caxton.co.za

TUESDAY, 25 SEPTEMBER: Celebrate the return of warmer weather at the Spring full moon beach walk at 5.30pm. Start at Baggies Beach and set out to walk to Winkle Beach and back. All are welcome but dogs must be on leads. Call Yvonne on 074-190-0949.

THURSDAY, 27 SEPTEMBER: All SAARP members are invited to a bring and braai at Warnerdoone Angling Club at Baggies Beach from noon. Call Annalise on 084-882-8599 for queries.

FRIDAY, 28 SEPTEMBER: Amanzimtoti Child and Family Welfare holds its AGM at its offices on the corner of Khotho Mkhunya Road and Lewis Drive from 9.30am. Guest speaker and ward 97 councillor, Andre Beetge will speak on ‘the state of the village’. Refreshments will be served after the meeting. RSVP to Mrs Naidoo or Ms Msomi on 031-903-5171 or email totiwel@telkomsa.net before Monday, 24 September.

FRIDAY, 28 SEPTEMBER: Breakfast Club re-opens in the activities room at Toti library at 9.30am for 10am. Bring and share. For more details, call Gill on 082-615-7708.

FRIDAY, 28 SEPTEMBER: Indwe Learning Centre hosts a Spring open day from 9am to noon at 197 Old Mill Road, Lower Illovo. There will be an inspirational session, followed by some activities with the children. The theme is stepping into new beginnings, which will teach participants the art of visioning and celebrate some heritage games with activities to see how much we can learn through the eyes of a child. RSVP is crucial, as only a limited number of participants may join. Email theindwelearningcentre@outlook.com to book.

SUNDAY, 30 SEPTEMBER: Amanzimtoti’s partially sighted and blind bowlers are urged to attend the Visually Impaired Bowlers Association’s weekly bowling afternoon at Berea Bowling Club in Durban every Sunday from 1pm to 4pm. Blind and partially sighted people who are prepared to join this association can look forward to an afternoon of fun and fellowship playing bowls. Contact chairman Peter Lonsdale on 031-201-3347 or secretary Clifford Hole on 031-903-1134 for more information.

THURSDAY, 4 OCTOBER: Burgers and Bowls by floodlight at Toti Bowling Club (first Thursday of every month) at 5pm. Cost is now R25 for the game and R30 for a burger. Bowls will be available and friendly members will get you started. Wear flat-soled takkies or sandals. Registration by 5.15pm latest. Game last an hour, so go along to enjoy the fun and music for the family.

FRIDAY, 5 OCTOBER: Probus Club of Amanzimtoti monthly meeting at 10am with an interesting speaker and a braai in tranquil stunning surroundings. Unfortunately membership is closed at the moment due to the limited seating and the size of the venue. For further information contact the secretary Cliff Hole on 076-542-5082.

SATURDAY, 6 OCTOBER: Turning Point hosts a diamonds and pearls women’s brunch and market at Amanzimtoti High School from 10am to 1pm. Dress smart casual with diamonds and pearls. There will be market stalls and lucky draws. Tickets are R150 for the brunch and market tables are R100. For more information, call Samantha on 031-903-777 or email totitraumaunit@telkomsa.net.

MONDAY, 22 OCTOBER: SAARP members will meet at 09.30am for 10am and not on the usual second Monday of the month. Entrance fee of R4 per person payable. All over 50’s are welcome to join. Fees are R30 per person per year and R50 per couple. The year-end lunch will be at Lords and Legends on Monday,12 November. Members are asked to pay for this occasion at the meeting on Monday, 22 October or at the braai at the angling club in Warner Beach on Thursday, 27 September. Call or message Maureen on 031-903-4182 or 082-436-9281 for more detail.



Ramble along with other Toti walkers

TOTI Ramblers walk every Tuesday and Thursday at 6am from Lords and Legends parking area. All welcome. Call Hylton on 084-783-7336.


Check your mate over chess

CHESS players meet on alternate Wednesdays at either Kingsburgh library or Amanzimtoti library.

There is no charge. The time will be decided to suit the players.

All levels of chess players, from beginners to advanced, are welcome.

For more information, enquire with Cathy via WhatsApp or SMS to 081-437-2958.


Learn to play bridge

CROSS over from being a non-player to a happy, relaxed social bridge player.

Join or learn the art of bridge every Wednesday at St Mary’s Church from 8.15am until noon. Call Maureen on 082-436-9281 or on 031-903-4182.

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