
Dumping near Winkle beach irks resident

The more rubble that is thrown into the bush, the less nature will be able to survive what selfish people do to the environment.

EDITOR – It is such a sad situation that builders or contractors have no respect for areas around and to the beach at Winklespruit.

I walk to the beach daily as per the attached photos and noticed how building rubble is just dumped in the bush near an access path to the beach.

This is where little creatures live, like birds and so on. The more rubble that is thrown into the bush, the less nature will be able to survive what selfish people do to the environment.

This can be viewed in the front of Las Palmas flats and I would love to see the culprits brought to book and fined for what they are doing. The path gives access to people living at Las Palmas, Santa Margerita and other complexes around Gordon Road.

Trusting that whoever did this will feel guilty.


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