
Nuisance bylaw a joke, focuses on soft target

Has any person been fined or imprisoned for threatening behaviour in public?

EDITOR – The nuisance bylaw is a joke and the article about the elderly woman being fined R1,000 for allowing her car to be washed says everything you need to know about how useless our officials actually are.

READ IT HERE: Avoid fines, imprisonment for acts of ‘public nuisance’

  • Has any taxi driver been stopped or fined for washing their vehicle in Toti CBD?
  • Has any person been fined or imprisoned for threatening behaviour in public?
  • Has any fine or imprisonment been forthcoming for the myriad of dog noise complaints that abound in Toti?
  • And what person has ever been fined or imprisoned for begging at our robots?

What the article omits is the most important question of all which is who do you contact, what are their contact details and why are the real scourge of society not being targeted such as lawless drivers, petty thieves, murderers, rapists and muggers to name a few.

So who was the official who handed out the fine? How come he/she was so quick to the scene to deal with this ‘terrible bylaw infringement’ but not have the guts to tackle the real criminals?

YOU MAY WANT TO READ: New by-laws take effect this week ( March 9, 2016 )

I know why. Because they would rather target an elderly woman who would not be a threat to them and whose likelihood of paying is far greater rather than risk the wrath of some irate, lawless driver who would likely take out a gun and shoot and would be nowhere to be found after the fact. It’s about time we got our priorities right. Really!


Ed’s note: The city has not made public details about the respective official who is responsible for enforcement of its nuisance bylaws.


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