Watch: Band of angry mongooses take on python

A large group of mongooses battle it out with a python – watch here to see who comes out victorious.

Have you ever seen a band of mongooses take on a python? You’d be one of very few.

Pierre Nel was fortunate to witness such a battle in Marloth Park and shared the rare sighting with

“We had just returned from dinner to the house; it was extremely dark due to a power outage, and the sounds of nature and the bush were so tranquil. That’s until screeching and whining broke the peaceful atmosphere.”

He said his wife thought it sounded like a group of angry Indian mynas.

“Out we went with our phone torches as lights to investigate what and where this sound was coming from. We all got a shock when we saw well over 20 very angry mongooses screaming and screeching as they were attacking a python,” Nel said.

Here’s what happened:

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