Lions are ‘winners’ at golf fundraiser

Get ready for the weekend's Club Championships.

By getting ready and into the spirit of the Club Championships, we played an individual Stableford last Wednesday.

TM Moodley is in fine form at the moment and he demonstrated it by coming in with 37 points, and just to cap it he took the 2 club pool as well. Brian Richards is never far out of the picture and he took second place with 35. The rest of us just tried too hard and came up short – thinking too much – always a killer.

The Scottburgh Lions Club do a lot of work assisting the needy in the area and to raise much-needed funds, they hold a fundraising golf day every year played as a 4 ball Alliance.

Seventy odd players took part on a cool, windy afternoon. There were plenty of refreshment stalls and some very tasty shooters to ward off the chill. Coming home with 89 points, almost 5 per hole were Wayne, Stu, Eddie and Iron (no surnames available).

The two Petes, Gilliver and Morris ran them close, ably assisted by their better halves Hayley and Alex with 86. Third with 84 were Christo, Troy, Thay Govender and TM Moodley. Prizewinners went all the way down to 13th place, but in the end there were no losers as we all had a great day.

The real winners were the Lions and their fantastic sponsors and supporters. The funds raised will go a long way in support of the needy within our community – well done Lions and we look forward to seeing you next year.

There will be the normal three divisions and the draw will take place this Thursday evening (1st) and posted the next morning. So you have enough time to make the effort and get down for a great weekend’s golf, it’s your club and you should want to be the champion in your division.

Flyer’s footnote: Like one’s own children, golf has an uncanny way of endearing itself to us, while at the same time evoking every weakness of mind and character, no matter how well hidden.



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