
Spring – a time for new beginnings

Spring normally puts the spring back in your step and you are motivated to be more active, however you shouldn’t overdo it right away.

With Spring around the corner, although we can be sure that the weather will take us for a few more cold spells, we can all look forward to the changing of the seasons, new life, green trees, and hopefully some more braai weather (although it is a fact that South Africans will braai even if it snows).  Spring can also be seen as the time for new beginnings, a time to reflect on what has happened in the year so far, to practice self-care, and to maybe re-look at your goals for the year and whether you will accomplish them.

The change of the season also brings with it hope, new life, nature starting to show off all its beauty and grandeur, blossoms everywhere, and the sun greeting us earlier in the morning.  We can shrug off the cold of Winter, and the effect it has on some of us – cold, grey, and staying indoors.

It is interesting how Winter has a gloomy effect on many people, you stop exercising, stop socialising, and hide from the cold weather.  Somehow Spring brings back that spring into your step, you feel like getting a bit more active, although you shouldn’t overdo it right away.  Get together with friends and family, organise a picnic, spend some time in nature, go for a hike, have a braai, or any activity where you can combine getting the blood flowing, breathing in some fresh air, and have fun and chatting with loved ones.   Keep a few warm things handy for a while still, but start changing around the garderobe again, start eating lighter and healthier with lots of fruits and veggies, drink water, get out into the sun while remembering the sunscreen.

People tend to neglect their health in Winter, don’t go for check-ups, tests and scans, almost as if disease will hibernate in Winter as well.  Now, is the time to check your health status, go for those tests, make sure your body is not struggling in any way, take your meds and manage your chronic conditions.  It is also important to remember that self-care also includes self-awareness, taking note how you speak to yourself and to others.  Make sure you leave people better than when you found them, make sure your self-talk is not negative.  Become more mindful, of what you think, of what you say and of what you do.

Find beauty in the small things and remember that the gift of life every morning you wake up, is the biggest thing to be grateful for.  Focus on what you have, and never dwell in the past.  Find joy, bring joy and spread joy!  Now go have yourself a wonderful Spring!

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