It’s Christmas – say cheese!

Take a break from the sweet treats and tuck into a tasty cheeseboard.

Fed up with traditional festive fare? Tired of turkey?

There comes a point when even the tastiest mince pie loses its allure, so why not give your taste buds a break and try something a little healthier than plum pudding for dessert.

A cheeseboard is usually a winner, and it can be spruced up to look inviting and Christmassy.

Photo by Erik Dungan on Unsplash
You will need:
Now that the basics are taken care of, it’s time for some detail, the bits and bobs that make a cheeseboard so special. Here are some ideas, but almost anything goes, so let your imagination run wild.
Image by Manfred Richter from Pixabay

Decorate with few fresh herbs, add guests and enjoy.


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