Local sport

From the Bowling Greens

News and results from South Coast bowling clubs.

Well done to all the bowlers who represented their clubs at the annual Kingfisher Bowling Association Champion of Champions held at Scottburgh Bowling Club.
Winners in the men’s and women’s divisions, respectively, were Terrance McGlynn (Riverside) and Avril Smith (Umkomaas).
Runners-up were Mike Robertson (Scottburgh) and Amelia Pieterse (Banners Rest).
In third place were Keiron Dacey (The Bell) and Glenn Hatfield (Southbroom).
Having to settle for fourth were Jan Purdon (The Bell) and Pam Wolstenholme (Widenham).

Winning the open trips held on September 3 were Mike Thompson, Cheryl Thompson and Pam Nothard.
Runners-up were Dora Vosloo, Jeanne Fensham and Bertha Lane.
First session winners were Brian Douthwaite, Gary Hess and Manny Rodrigues.
Second session winners were Amanda Visser, Johan Visser and Jo Wells.

Winners of the Piet se Hut open pairs were Hedy Morom and Ernie Joubert, with Keiron Dacey and Clifford Keys second and Brian Mertz and Rienie Blignaut third.
Good bowling to all teams playing in the KBA men’s and ladies’ pairs this weekend.

Winners of the Piet se Hut 2-4-2 competition were Tammy Gibbons and Jason Knott.
Runners-up were Dick and Jing Elthringham. Session went to Kevin Mullen and Mada Lindeque.

KBA secretary Steffi Podmore and women’s winner Avril Smith (Umkomaas).


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