100 up for Bernd

The centenarian celebrated his birthday on July 23.

Bernd Teicher celebrated his 100th birthday on Tuesday this week.

He lives at the Ramsgate Retirement Village with his wife, Uschi.

Bernd wrote a book about his childhood and being a soldier in World War 2 and his life up to 1960.

Bernd Teicher and this son, Harald with the painting.

The book’s name is ‘For All It Was Worth’.

In this book, he mentioned the painting his grandfather painted and that he was sad that it got lost.

His son, Harald, was interested in locating this painting, and he searched on the internet and found it in an antique shop in Dresden, Germany.

He sent an image of it to Bernd, and he confirmed that it was the one.

Harald, who lives in Denmark, bought it, and now it is back in the family, where it will stay.

All together, Uschi, Bernd and Harald Teicher.


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