Karateka show great enthusiasm

To find out more about karate or should you wish to join the class, contact Cara Buller or Sensei Stephen for further information on 076 8454961.

A quarterly grading was done at the Ippon Dojo in Pennington last week.

Grading is done right down from junior yellow belt to senior purple belt and everyone was very successful on the night.

“This was an important grading from ninth ky? to fourth ky?,” explained Kentridge.

Many of the students present attend the Woodcrest Academy which Sensei Stephen Kentridge teaches at on a Thursday at 14:30.

He was grateful to have support from the school on the night as well.

He also would like to welcome those interested to join at the dojo at Relton Hall on a Monday and Wednesday from 18:00 to 19:00.

To find out more about karate or should you wish to join the class, contact Cara Buller or Sensei Stephen for further information on 076 8454961.


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