Local sport

From the Bowling Greens

News and results from South Coast bowling clubs.

Winning the Hibiscus Retirement Village open trips were Mervyn Barratt, Mike Dunn and Mel Glover.
Runners-up were St John Roodt, Johan du Preez and Carol Roodt.
First session winners were Corrie Pieters, Helen Pieters and Barry Mollett.
Second session winners were Martiens Olivier, André Lourens and Elsa Lourens.

The Hibberdene Spar drawn mixed trips was won by Rienie Blignault, Andrew Maree and Chris Joubert.
In second place were Brian Mertz, Hettie Nel and Martiens Lotz.
Session went to Bez Bezuidenhout, Joey Lotz and Joey Venter..

The winners of the Piet Se Hut 2-4-2 pairs were Tony Aveyard and Rita Pate.
Runners-up were Dumi Madlala and Trudy Rush.
Session went to Albert van Niekerk and JJ Nel.

The Rockberry competition held last Friday was won by St John Roodt, Cobie Engelbrecht and Donald Moir.
The club extends its thanks to Ann Osborne of Rockberry.


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