Ladies ‘Scramble’ at Southbroom

The course is looking good after the rains.

Ann’s Scramble at Southbroom Golf Club last Wednesday was won by Louise Leal, Precious Mkhungo and Anne-Marie Bruwer on nett 54.67.

Runners-up were Bev Riemer, Solange Fox and Jeanne Powell on 56.33.

The Stableford was won by Norman Farrell on 35 points, with Roy Deakins on 34 points.

In third place on 33 points was Gjertrud Kok, followed by Jack Moulder and Allyson Thomas on 32 points.

The Nashua/Oasis Business Day last Friday was won by Piet Fourie, Jaco van der Wal, Johan Neethling and Deon Meyer on 97 points.

Runners-up were Abel Yeerana, Paul Geoffery, Nick Wattruss and Santhos Baskali on 90 points.

Third place went to Shirley Jeffery, Eileen Neilson, Candida Amm and Irene Schanda on 86 points.

The competition last Saturday was the Odds & Evens Alliance, which was won by Sbu Ntozakhe, Loyiso, Chris & Inkasimoola 97 pts.

Runners-up on 95 points were Malcolm Greenland, Alex Crawford with Ken Crawford and Bob O’Callaghan.

In third place on 91 points were Irene Schanda, Stefanie Kok, Hannah Hierhold and Gjertrud Kok.

The Sunday junior 9-hole competition was won by Cody Dry on 18 points, with Braden Pratt next on 13 points.

The Divots Par 3 Challenge on Monday was won by Harry Devenish on 36 points.

Runner-up was Hans Kok on 34 points, counting out Bob Clark.


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